16.-19. June 2025, ETH Zurich

16.-19. June 2025, ETH Zurich
16.-19. June 2025, ETH Zurich
16.-19. June 2025, ETH Zurich
Session 9: Brake and tyre wear particles Part 1
Chair: Konstantina Vasilatou, METAS
Misja Steinmetz, TNO (NL)
«Heavy duty brake wear emissions: an on-road measurement campaign using a novel fully open sampling system»
Anssi Järvinen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
«Effect of pad material and regenerative braking on brake wear emissions»
Bozhena Tsyupa, Politecnico di Milano/Brembo
«Beyond Emission Factors: Brembo’s Protocol for Chemical and Toxicological Analysis of Brake Wear Particles»
Daniel Obando, University of Stuttgart
«Characterization of UFP Emissions at a Railway Brake Test Bench»
Carsten Neukirchen, University of the Bundeswehr Munich
«Physical and chemical characterization of brake and tyre wear measured on a custom-built combined dynamometer»
Session 10: Brake and tyre wear particles Part 2
Chair: Oliver Bischof, TSI
Andreas Schwendimann,Swisens AG
«Analysis of Morphological and Chemical Properties of Tyre and Brake Wear Particles Using Real-Time Measurement Techniques»
Jens Wahlström, Lund University
«ROS production of source-specific emissions from combustion, brake, tire and road wear»
Miria Chacón-Mateos, DLR
«Enhancing the testing methodology for measuring tyre abrasion»
Georgios Tsakonas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
«Approach for Measuring Volatile Tyre Particle Emissions »
Christoph Hüglin,EMPA
«Distribution of tire wear in the environment through atmospheric transport and deposition»
Trojan Horse Award and Poster Award Ceremony
Focus Event «Brake and tyre wear particles» Part A
Chair: Loretta Müller, Bern University Hospital
Coffee Break
Focus Event «Brake and tyre wear particles» Part B
Chair: Loretta Müller, Bern University Hospital
End of the conference