Program Thu, June 19, 2025

All indicated times are in CEST (GMT +2). Convert CEST into any time zome.

Session 9: Brake and tyre wear particles Part 1
Chair: Konstantina Vasilatou, METAS

Misja Steinmetz, TNO (NL)
«Heavy duty brake wear emissions: an on-road measurement campaign using a novel fully open sampling system»

Anssi Järvinen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
«Effect of pad material and regenerative braking on brake wear emissions»

Bozhena Tsyupa, Politecnico di Milano/Brembo
«Beyond Emission Factors: Brembo’s Protocol for Chemical and Toxicological Analysis of Brake Wear Particles»

Daniel Obando, University of Stuttgart
«Characterization of UFP Emissions at a Railway Brake Test Bench»

Carsten Neukirchen, University of the Bundeswehr Munich
«Physical and chemical characterization of brake and tyre wear measured on a custom-built combined dynamometer»

Coffee Break

Session 10: Brake and tyre wear particles Part 2
Chair: Oliver Bischof, TSI

Andreas Schwendimann,Swisens AG
«Analysis of Morphological and Chemical Properties of Tyre and Brake Wear Particles Using Real-Time Measurement Techniques»

Jens Wahlström, Lund University
«ROS production of source-specific emissions from combustion, brake, tire and road wear»

Miria Chacón-Mateos, DLR
«Enhancing the testing methodology for measuring tyre abrasion»

Georgios Tsakonas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
«Approach for Measuring Volatile Tyre Particle Emissions Â»

Christoph Hüglin,EMPA
«Distribution of tire wear in the environment through atmospheric transport and deposition»

Lunch Break


Trojan Horse Award and Poster Award Ceremony


Focus Event «Brake and tyre wear particles» Part A
Chair: Loretta Müller, Bern University Hospital


Coffee Break


Focus Event «Brake and tyre wear particles» Part B
Chair: Loretta Müller, Bern University Hospital


End of the conference